Upswept Afterbody Drag Reduction Through Active Flow Control

  • Richard Jackson

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisPhD


Military transport aircraft typically have a steep upsweep angle to allow for a rear- loading capability. This larger upsweep angle results in an increased drag coefficient, due to the formation of a counter-rotating vortex pair and a corresponding reduction in pressure on the upswept surface. Previous research has focused on the application of passive methods to control the vortices, to variable success. This thesis describes an experimental study into an assessment of the potential for blowing-type active flow control solutions to efficiently reduce the drag coefficient of a slanted-base axisymmetric cylinder, through the weakening of the afterbody vortex pair.
Date of Award19 Jun 2019
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Bath
SupervisorZhijin Wang (Supervisor) & Ismet Gursul (Supervisor)

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