The management of innovative projects by university scientists: an exploratory study of PM practices and performance in biotechnology sector

  • Teh-Yuan Chang

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisPhD


This study explored the management of university-industry collaborations (UICs). Although increasingly important for delivering innovation in many sectors, policy research has expressed concern about the detailed performance of these inter-organisational arrangements. Moreover, although well researched as a knowledge-based economic phenomenon there is much less equivalent managerial research, especially from the perspective of university scientists. Therefore, owing to the paucity of such research, this thesis investigated the adoption of particular project management (PM) practices by university scientists and their subsequent impact on innovative project performance. Four research questions were defined and they were developed, refined and tested within a two-stage process.
Date of Award1 Sept 2006
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Bath
SupervisorMichael Lewis (Supervisor)


  • project management
  • university scientists
  • innovation

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