The internal and external factors that influence pedagogical actions and decisions: A multiple-case study of undergraduate language teacher educators in Argentina

  • Katherine Halet

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisPhD


The current study investigated the ways in which internal and external factors influence the pedagogical actions and decisions (PADs) of English language teacher educators. This dynamic relationship was explored through an embedded, multiple case study design of three experienced teacher educators who taught within the under-researched context of a university English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teacher education program in Argentina. The qualitative data collection instruments of background interviews, lesson observations, stimulated-recall interviews, and follow-up interviews were utilized to collect the data over a ten-month period. The findings offer insights on the abovementioned relationship, especially in regard to 1) the PADs teacher educators engage in, 2) the internal and external factors that teacher educators refer to in their rationales for their PADs, and 3) the ways in which the internal and external factors influence the teacher educators’ PADs. These findings suggest significant implications for the field of teacher educator cognition (particularly those concentrating on how internal and external factors influence teacher educator PADs), teacher education (specifically in relation to raising future teacher educators’ awareness of their rationales for their PADs), and the professional development of teacher educators.
Date of Award17 Nov 2021
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Bath
SupervisorSantiago Sanchez (Supervisor) & Trevor Grimshaw (Supervisor)

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