Synthesis of novel single-source precursors for CVD of mixed-metal tungsten oxide

  • Hamid Choujaa

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisPhD


There is a considerable interest in the use of tungsten oxide in the research and development of new materials and devices, such as gas sensors and as photocatalysts. In order to improve the photocatalytic properties of WO3, its combination with metals which allows the preparation of WMxOy materials are believed to be promising photocatalysts under visible light. The present work deals with the synthesis of homo- and hetero-metallic tungsten alkoxide and amide compounds using the single source precursor approach for potential chemical vapour deposition precursors of mixed-metal oxide films.
Date of Award1 Mar 2008
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Bath
SupervisorKieran Molloy (Supervisor)


  • singel-source precursor nanomaterials
  • tungsten
  • thin films
  • CVD

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