Simulation of secondary arcs in ehv systems employing single-pole autoreclosure.

  • Akram M. Al-Rawi

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisPhD


The effectiveness of single-pole autoreclosure in maintaining power system stability is largely determined by the speed with which secondary arc extinction and hence autoreclosure can be achieved. Realistic simulation techniques are of obvious importance in relation to the design of systems employing single pole autoreclosure and, in this thesis, digital methods are developed to enable the faulted response of e.h.v. feeders subjected to secondary arcing phenomena to be more realistically simulated than hitherto had been possible. The new techniques are also of importance in relation to programmable based protection test equipment. The realistic simulation of the secondary arcing phenomena is of obvious importance in relation to pre-determining the shunt reactor compensation necessary to achieve acceptable autoreclosure dead-times in long line applications. Based upon experimental data, methods of modelling the non-linear behaviour of the earth fault arc path in both conducting and extinction states are described, together with the techniques developed for incorporating such models into practical e.h.v. system interconnections. The thesis concludes by illustrating and discussing the results of computational studies relating to typical 500 kV feeders employing single-pole autoreclosure.
Date of Award1981
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Bath

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