This grounded theory study conceptualises an abstract social process of ‘resourcing
change’, explaining challenges managers face during the initiation of change as their
learning in organisations and their responses to them. Both management challenges
and their resolutions are theoretically organised on the global-local continuum,
reflecting the inter-connected and mutually influencing nature of the social reality.
The abstract social process of ‘resourcing change’ has general implications beyond
the temporal and spatial boundaries of the study – managers in one UK subsidiary
within each of two multinational corporations – Cooper Standard (UK) and Ricoh
(UK), respectively, at the time when this study was conducted. The grounded theory
of ‘resourcing change’ has made several significant theoretical and methodological
contributions. First, the study of learning has been extended to the management
population, given their strategic importance in organisations (Easterby-Smith et al.,
1998). Second, management learning in organisations is conceptualised as ‘initiation
of change’ – a seldom recognised, individual-to-organisation process of change
(Quinn, 1996). Learning, as in this study, has been re-connected to accounts of
organisational change (Hendry, 1996). A particular emphasis is placed on the
initiation stage of change, not on any other stages (e.g. implementation). Third, from a
process-relational perspective of organising and managing (Watson, 2002), this
grounded theory study of ‘resourcing change’ has identified the contradictions in
many processual-oriented research studies, highlighting the absence of the temporal
and spatial dimensions in the on-going evolution of social processes. The
methodological contributions that this grounded theory study makes are, first and
foremost, the conceptualisation of the emerged concepts that are used to explain the
process of initiating change in management learning. Research problems and
questions are then formulated by abstractly conceptualising the concerns and
resolutions of research participants, as opposed to the researcher’s own. This study
begins with no focus, however uncomfortable that may make some researchers,
recognising the key fact that the focus of the researcher, prior to his or her exposure to
the research participants, has no relevance whatsoever to them. The focus is only
established at the end of the study, following a set of rigorous and transparent
methodological procedures. The adherence to the orthodox grounded theory (Glaser &
Strauss, 1967) confirms that grounded theory is a fully-fledged research methodology
in its own right, not a set of methods for data analysis (McCallin, 2003).
Date of Award | 1 Dec 2007 |
Original language | English |
Awarding Institution | |
Supervisor | Philip Powell (Supervisor) |
Resourcing Change: A Grounded Theory Explaining the Process by Which Managers Address Challenges in Their Initiation of Change as Learning at Work
Fei, F. (Author). 1 Dec 2007
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › PhD