Power Loss Estimation in Voltage Source Inverters

  • Dennis Man

Student thesis: Masters ThesisMPhil


The increasing desire to adopt more electric equipment and activation in aerospace, marine and land vehicle applications is placing demanding requirements on the specifications of medium-power power converters that are currently difficult to meet. The need to design high-efficiency power conversion systems by choosing between many new power-stage topologies and power-semiconductor device alternatives is very challenging for electronic engineers.The work will focus on a method of accessing converter power stage power loss and efficiency, which may be adopted to compare the performance of the different device types and power conversion topologies.Improvements in fast switching power devices have led to an increased interest in voltage source inverters (VSI) employing pulse width modulation control (PWM) to synthesize variable-voltage and variable-frequency three-phase AC waveforms. Control methods, which generate the necessary PWM patterns and their performance, have been discussed extensively in literature. PWM Modulation methods have been a major research area in power electronics for over three decades and continue to attract considerable attention and interest. The huge amount of material published generally does not include extensive analysis and testing of software tools for accessing the power-conversion efficiency of PWM waveform synthesis methods.The most popular waveform synthesis methods identified are sinusoidal PWM and space vector PWM. This thesis introduced and deals with space vector modulation method since it is being favoured because of its advantage of less switching loss, wide linear modulation range and lower harmonic distortion. A Matlab/Simulink model is presented to implement SVPWM for three-phase VSI. The model gives an insight into the space vector PWM, and power losses calculation. This project will focus on develop power losses modelling to give more accurate analysis of inverter design hence increase system efficiency.
Date of Award31 Dec 2012
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Bath
SupervisorFrancis Robinson (Supervisor)


  • power
  • loss
  • VSI
  • conduction
  • switching

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