Estimation Of The Value Of Precautionary Restrictions On Microplastics

  • Peter King

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisPhD


This thesis estimates the value of precautionary restrictions on microplastics. Althoughmicroplastics may be irreversibly released into the marine environment, the severity ofenvironmental and health effects are currently uncertain. Therefore, any restriction wouldbe precautionary. However, the appraisal of precautionary policies is complicated by theuncertainty about the non-market benefits. Therefore, this thesis designs, undertakes, andanalyses a Stated Preference survey to estimate the benefits of precautionary restrictions inwillingness-to-pay terms. Using both Contingent Valuation tasks and a Choice Experiment,the results indicate that respondents were willing to pay for precautionary restrictions.The hybrid choice model is then used for both methods to show that latent precautionaryattitudes positively influence this WTP. Finally, the thesis undertakes an indicativeCost-Benefit Analysis, with distributional weights and sensitivity analysis, to evaluatethe value of precautionary restrictions on microplastics.
Date of Award1 Nov 2021
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Bath
SupervisorAlistair Hunt (Supervisor) & Lucy O'Shea (Supervisor)

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