This study conducted with eight Albanian mothers who were survivors of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking (SMSHT), used qualitative methods to investigate the experiences of parenthood and support of Albanian SMSHT mothers after experiences of exploitation. Interviews were analysed with Thematic Analysis. This study found that many of the women reported experiencing ongoing barriers and difficulties to accessing support and to moving forward. Additionally, many women continued to be affected by traumatic experiences (both past and present). The women reported mixed support experiences, some being extremely positive and others feeling they had been let down. Qualities such as warmth, consistency and non-judgement were valued in support. The women reported feeling isolated with their children, whom served as an inspiration and motivation for the mothers to keep going. Despite their numerous difficulties, many women reported achievement, a strong sense of values and finding positives post-trafficking.
- Victims of modern slavery and human trafficking
- survivors of modern slavery and human trafficking
- modern slavery
- human trafficking
- Mothers
- parents
- Albanian
- trauma
- staff
- debrief
- staff support
- mental health
- refugees
- asylum seekers
- displaced persons
- telemental health
- e-health
- thematic analysis
Doctorate in Clinical Psychology: Main Research Portfolio: 1) Telemental Health: Lessons for remote psychological therapy with asylum seekers, refugees, and victims of trafficking and modern slavery; 2) Quality Improvement Project for Staff Support Debriefs in Mental Health Services; 3) Modern Slavery and Trafficking Survivors: Albanian mothers’ experiences of parenthood in the UK.
Caddick, R. (Author). 22 Sept 2023
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsy)