Aqueous Electrocatalysis in Concentrated Electrolyte Solutions

  • James Weber

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisPhD


The reduction of oxygen in high saline media was investigated using Tafel analysis and platinum microwire electrodes and the effect of high pressures was also explored. Digital simulations coupled with experimental data of current-time transients were used to simultaneously determine the concentration and diffusion coefficients of protons and oxygen in increasing saline media. Glucose oxidation in varying neutral phosphate buffer solutions was explored using platinum microwire electrodes and electrothermal annealing cleaning process; a simple microfuel cell was created which produced 2 nW power in 0.5 M glucose. 3D-printed steel electrodes were modified using platinum to create a highly catalytic electrode for methanol oxidation in acidic electrolyte.
Date of Award26 Apr 2017
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Bath
SupervisorFrank Marken (Supervisor)

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