A Study of the Executive MBA (EMBA) Degree’s Impact on Mid-career Managers’ Post-degree Role-based Performance in Pakistan: Organizational Perspectives

  • Naveda Kitchlew

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Business (DBA)


Abstract:The main purpose of this study was to investigate the organizational perspective on improvement in performance of its mid-career professionals, as a result of their Executive MBA education in Pakistan. More specifically the study includes the identification of critical roles, which organizations consider important for the performance evaluation of mid-career professionals, and organizations’ perception of how effectively EMBA graduates perform those roles at workplace. The study mainly used a quantitative research strategy and cross sectional survey method to collect data through a structured self-administered questionnaire. Ninety three organizations responded to this survey and provided data about 140 EMBA professionals. The feedback from organisations about important role-based performance indicators and EMBA graduate managers’ performance against those indicators were obtained. Results revealed that organizations consider the work related role as the most important aspect of evaluation, followed by team related, career related, innovation related and organization citizenship related roles. Results on the efficacy of EMBA programs against these role indicators showed that though by and large organizations were satisfied there existed a gap between each of the required roles.
Date of Award23 Dec 2016
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Bath
SupervisorIan Jamieson (Supervisor)

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