What's trust got to do with it? Examining trust in leadership, psychological capital, and employee well-being in a cross-national context during Covid-19

Nishat Babu, Luke Fletcher, Shaun Pichler, Pawan Budhwar

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We propose and test the idea that trust in the senior leadership team is needed to help overcome the potential widespread decrements to employee well-being resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic. Drawing on conservation of resources theory, we suggest that psychological capital mediates the relationship between trust in the senior leadership team's response to Covid-19 and employee well-being. We also examine the contextual relevance of line management's servant leadership alongside country differences (i.e., India vs. UK) in reinforcing the importance of trust in fostering psychological capital. We test our model in a time-lagged survey study that follows employed individuals towards the early, middle, and later stages of the first wave of the pandemic in 2020. Results provide support for our model and indicate potential country differences. Our findings point to the significance of leadership, both at the senior level and at the line management level, in protecting employee well-being during crises.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)31-44
Number of pages14
JournalEuropean Management Review
Issue number1
Early online date22 Feb 2023
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2024

Bibliographical note

Funding Information
Aston University

Data Availability Statement

The data that support the findings of this study are avail-able from the corresponding author upon reasonable request


  • Covid-19
  • employee well-being
  • psychological capital
  • senior leadership
  • servant leadership
  • trust

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Business and International Management
  • Strategy and Management


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