View-contingent aftereffects suggest joint coding of face shape and view

Lisa L M Welling, Benedict C. Jones, Patricia E G Bestelmeyer, Lisa M. DeBruine, Anthony C. Little, Claire A. Conway

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8 Citations (SciVal)


While it is well established that different neural populations code different face views, behavioural evidence that these neurons also code other aspects of face shape is equivocal. For example, previous studies have interpreted the partial transfer of face aftereffects across different viewpoints as evidence for either view-specific coding of face shape or that the locus of adaptation is in face-coding mechanisms that are relatively robust to changes in face view. Here we show that it is possible to simultaneously induce aftereffects in opposite directions for 3/4 and front views of upright faces with manipulated mouth position (experiment 1). For example, simultaneous adaptation to 3/4 views with raised mouth position and front views with lowered mouth position caused raised mouth position to appear more normal for 3/4 views of novel faces, but less normal for front views. View-contingent adaptation did not occur for inverted faces, however (experiment 2). Dissociable aftereffects for different views of upright faces, but not for different views of inverted faces, suggest that neurons that code face view can also code other aspects of face shape.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)133-141
Number of pages9
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2009

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Experimental and Cognitive Psychology
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Sensory Systems


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