Video Depth-From-Defocus

Hyeongwoo Kim, Christian Richardt, Christian Theobalt

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Many compelling video post-processing effects, in particular aesthetic focus editing and refocusing effects, are feasible if per-frame depth information is available. Existing computational methods to capture RGB and depth either purposefully modify the optics (coded aperture, light-field imaging), or employ active RGB-D cameras. Since these methods are less practical for users with normal cameras, we present an algorithm to capture all-in-focus RGB-D video of dynamic scenes with an unmodified commodity video camera. Our algorithm turns the often unwanted defocus blur into a valuable signal. The input to our method is a video in which the focus plane is continuously moving back and forth during capture, and thus defocus blur is provoked and strongly visible. This can be achieved by manually turning the focus ring of the lens during recording. The core algorithmic ingredient is a new video-based depth-from-defocus algorithm that computes space-time-coherent depth maps, deblurred all-in-focus video, and the focus distance for each frame. We extensively evaluate our approach, and show that it enables compelling video post-processing effects, such as different types of refocusing.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 25 Oct 2016
EventInternational Conference on 3D Vision - Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA United States
Duration: 25 Oct 201628 Oct 2016


ConferenceInternational Conference on 3D Vision
Abbreviated title3DV
Country/TerritoryUSA United States
CityPalo Alto
Internet address


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