Usposabljanje specialistov druŽinske medicine in medicinskih sester v osnovnem zdravstvenem varstvu za preventivo, ki temelji na dokazih, presejanje in obvladovanje kardiovaskularnih tveganj v zahodni Ukrajini: Longitudinalna Študija

Translated title of the contribution: Training family doctors and primary care nurses in evidence-based prevention, screening and management of cardiovascular risks in western Ukraine: A longitudinal study

I. Shushman, P. Kolesnyk, Y. Schonmann, M. Harris, T. Frese

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (SciVal)


Introduction: The Ukrainian primary healthcare programme of preventive and screening recommendations has not been evidence-based. The traditional system of continuous medical education in Ukraine places participants in the role of passive listeners. This study explored the effects of an interactive training course on evidence-based prevention and screening of cardiovascular risks, on changes in Ukrainian family doctors’ (FDs) and primary care
nurses’ (PCNs) knowledge and readiness to change practice over time.

Methods: Three hundred and seven FDs and PCNs participated in the study. Changes in participants’ knowledge were assessed with 20 multiple choice questions, and their readiness to change practice with a five-item questionnaire. These were administered before, immediately after, three and twelve months after training.

Results: The mean pre-course knowledge score was 6.1 (SD 1.8) out of 20, increasing to 14.9 (SD 2.3) immediately afterwards (p<0.001). Three months later it was 10.2 (SD 3.2) and at one year it was 10.4 (SD 3.3), both of which were significantly higher than the pre-training level (p<0.005). The percentage of participants that were highly motivated to change their practice increased from 18.4% before the training to 62.3% immediately afterwards (p<0.001). Three months later, this fell to 40.4%. At 12 months it further reduced to 27.4%, but was still significantly higher than the baseline level (p<0.001).

Conclusions: The interactive training was effective in increasing both participants’ knowledge and their readiness to change their clinical practice. The impact of the training diminished over time, but was still evident a year later.
Translated title of the contributionTraining family doctors and primary care nurses in evidence-based prevention, screening and management of cardiovascular risks in western Ukraine: A longitudinal study
Original languageUkranian
Pages (from-to)227-235
JournalZdravstveno Varstvo
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2020


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