Urban communities in early modern Europe (1400-1700): A Research Review

Fabrizio Nevola, David Rosenthal

Research output: Book/ReportOther report


This brief literature review, an AHRC Connected Communities scoping study carried out during 2011, set outs to identify current approaches to ideas and practices of ‘community’ in European urban history between 1400 and 1700, and suggest where there is potential for new lines of enquiry. It selectively assessed the recent Anglophone literature – from roughly 2000 – with a focus on work that pushes the field forward methodologically. This desk-based research was combined with interviews with historians who work on community from various positions of expertise. This made the review a collaborative process, and one that points ahead of the published scholarship. The review’s principal findings were to recommend further research on: the relationship between space, memory and everyday movement in the early modern city; how communities were shaped by sound and smell as much as by visual stimuli; the nature of boundaries and negotiation between majorities and faith and immigrant minorities; how digitisation and GIS holds real potential for accessing and modelling the urban/spatial dimensions of source material. Research review submitted to AHRC can be consulted at project website: http://earlymoderncommunities.com/ and AHRC Connected Communities reviews: http://www.ahrc.ac.uk/FundingOpportunities/Pages/CCScopingStudies.aspx
Original languageEnglish
PublisherArts and Humanities Research Council
Number of pages85
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2011


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