Unsymmetrical group 4 amine tris(phenolate) complexes as initiators for the controlled polymerisation of racemic-lactide

Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster


The controlled polymerisation of the renewable monomer lactide to give the degradable polyester polylactide (PLA) is an attractive area of research as efforts are made to move away from traditional petroleum-based plastics. A C3-symmetric Group 4 amine tris(phenolate) complex has previously been published exhibiting highly stereoselective polymerisation of racemic-lactide to yield heterotactic PLA.1

In this work a series of unsymmetrical amine tris(phenolate) ligands have been synthesised using a step-wise method. Subsequent reaction with Group 4 alkoxides generated a series of dimeric complexes, which have been characterised in the solid state by crystallography and in the solution state by NMR spectroscopy.

We show that all complexes are active for the polymerisation of lactide and data is presented showing polymerisation kinetics and stereoselectivity (probability of racemic enchainment, Pr) for each complex. In the light of this data, we discuss the influence of sterics and complex symmetry on the polymerisation activity and selectivity.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusUnpublished - 2013
EventSuBiCat 1: Symposium on sustainable catalytic conversions of renewable substrates - St Andrews, UK United Kingdom
Duration: 24 Mar 201226 Mar 2013


ConferenceSuBiCat 1: Symposium on sustainable catalytic conversions of renewable substrates
Country/TerritoryUK United Kingdom
CitySt Andrews


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