
Tree health “events” do not occur as single moments in time, but develop over longer periods and have social, economic and political dimensions as well as their causal ecology Public perceptions of tree health are shaped by individual worldviews, personal experiences and long standing interests Blame is a common frame for responses to risk outcomes, including tree health
Social media content included expert, stakeholder and citizen claims and counter claims; traditional and social media content each echoed the other Risk perceptions formed by both experts and lay publics are likely to have frames that are mediated through social filters such as personal worldviews, biases, experiences and
institutional affiliations. Attention to tree health events is not the same as concern.
Experts make attributions about public concern, especially
when the evidence base is incomplete and there is a need to justify policy and management actions.
Original languageEnglish
TypePolicy brief
Media of outputElectronic
Number of pages6
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-5272-1969-4
Publication statusPublished - 31 Jan 2018


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