
Antibiotic resistance is anticipated to result in 10 million deaths per year worldwide by 2050.
This represents a growing global health crisis that requires co-ordinated action to reduce the anticipated death-toll. Prescription of the appropriate antibiotic often requires microbiological culture-based analysis taking 48-72h, but treatment must often be prescribed sooner than this for the benefit of the patient. As a result clinicians must often over-treat infections with newer or more powerful antibiotics than are necessary. The World Health Organisation has thus called for rapid diagnostic tools to help rationalise antibiotic prescription.
This project demonstrates proof-of-concept results for complementary electrochemical and enzymatic approaches to inform antibiotic prescription.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusUnpublished - 2019
EventCSCT Summer Showcase 2019 - University of Bath The Chancellors’ Building 1.11 University of Bath , Bath, UK United Kingdom
Duration: 1 Jul 20192 Jul 2019


ConferenceCSCT Summer Showcase 2019
Country/TerritoryUK United Kingdom
Internet address


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