Towards a National Agency for Resource Discovery: Scoping Study

Peter Brophy, Shelagh Fisher, Geoffrey Hare, David Kay (Editor)

    Research output: Book/ReportOther report

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    This Scoping Study was commissioned jointly by the British Library Research & Innovation Centre
    (BLRIC) and JISC under the management of UKOLN.
    The study was authored jointly by Fretwell-Downing Informatics Ltd and CERLIM (University of
    Central Lancashire) with specialist contributions from Geoffrey Hare (County Librarian, Essex) and
    Index Data of Denmark in their respective areas of public libraries and resource discovery
    The findings of the study are based on a consultation exercise undertaken by the partners between
    February and April 1997, resulting in a strong recommendation that a National Agency should be
    constituted. The study proposes that the Agency
    should act as a facilitator to ensure that scholarly
    resources are visible and accessible across domains and other traditional boundaries in an efficient and
    sustainable manner
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationLondon
    PublisherBritish Library Research and Innovation Centre
    Commissioning bodyJISC
    Number of pages80
    Publication statusPublished - Jul 1997

    Publication series

    Name British Library Research and Innovation Report

    Bibliographical note

    Report distributed by UKOLN on the eLib project website


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