TITAN: A conducting polymer based microfluidic pump

Y Wu, D Zhou, G M Spinks, P C Innis, W Megill, G G Wallace

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70 Citations (SciVal)


The electromechanical actuation properties of polypyrrole have been utilized in the design and development of a low voltage fluid movement system for microfluidic channels. A confined concentric arrangement of polypyrrole actuators is used to induce fluid movement through an inner channel in a single unit. Series connection of these units and appropriate electrical connection/stimulation induces a novel peristaltic action that enables fluids to be pumped in a predetermined direction. Flow rates of up to 2.5 µl min-1 can be achieved against a back pressure of 50 mbar, which is sufficient to enable fluid movement in a glass capillary channel (diameter: 266 µm, length: 12.8 cm). The mechanism of fluid movement enables the use of low voltage devices (1 V) to drive fluid with an average power requirement of 8.7 mW.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1511-1516
Number of pages6
JournalSmart Materials and Structures
Publication statusPublished - 2005


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