`Tissue on the bones': Towards the development of a post-structuralist institutionalism

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23 Citations (SciVal)


The ‘new institutionalist’ approaches have recently been beneficially expanded by the introduction of a body of work which falls under the collective label of discursive-constructivist institutionalism. This article argues that the discursive analytical focus of these approaches would be complemented and extended by the application of the post-structuralist conceptual tool bag offered by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. In so doing it advocates developing a post-structuralist institutionalism (PSI), detailing the approach's key theoretical underpinnings and differences from constructivist-discursive approaches. These are subsequently illustrated via an analysis of the arguments within Rhodri Morgan's Welsh Labour party over the use of private finance in health provision.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)112-123
Number of pages12
Issue number2
Early online date13 Dec 2012
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2013


  • institutionalism
  • post-structuralism
  • rhetorical analysis
  • post-structuralist institutionalism
  • Welsh Labour


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