Three responses to the methodological challenges of studying strategizing

J. Balogun, A.S. Huff, P. Johnson

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Empirical studies of strategizing face contradictory pressures. Ethnographic approaches arc attractive, and typically expected since we need to collect data on strategists and their practices within context. We argue, however, that today's large, multinational, and highly diversified organizational settings require complimentary methods providing more breadth and flexibility. This paper discusses three particularly promising approaches (interactive discussion groups, self-reports, and practitioner-led research) that fit the increasingly disparate research paradigms now being used to understand strategizing and other management issues. Each of these approaches is based on the idea that strategizing research cannot advance significantly without reconceptualizing frequently taken-for-granted assumptions about the way to do research and the way we engage with organizational participants. The paper focuses in particular on the importance of working with organizational members as research partners rather than passive informants.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)197-224
Number of pages28
JournalJournal of management studies
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2003


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