Thermal state of electronic assemblies applied to smart building equipped with QFN64 device subjected to natural convection

Abderrahmane Baïri, L Roseiro, A Martin Garin, Kemi Adeyeye, J.A. Millan

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The performance and reliability of electronic components and assemblies strongly depend on their thermal state. The knowledge of the temperature distribution throughout the assembly is therefore an essential element to ensure their correct operation. This is the main objective of this work that examines the case of a conventional assembly equipped with a quad flat nonlead QFN64 subjected to free convection. This active electronic package is welded on a PCB
which may be inclined by an angle varying between 0° and 90° (horizontal and vertical positions respectively) and generates during its operation a high power ranging from 0.1 to 1W.
Thermoregulation of the assembly is ensured by natural convection, given its many well known advantages in this engineering field. Accurate relationships are proposed to determine the temperature on different areas of the device and the PCB. They are determined by means of a 3D numerical survey based on the finite volume method confirmed by measurements on an actual installation. These relationships allow reliability improvement of these electronic
assemblies widely used in many engineering fields, as computing industry, mobile telephony, home automation, automotive, embarked electronics and smart building considered in this survey. The present survey complements a recent study which quantifies the natural convective heat transfer on the considered electronic assembly equipped with the QFN64 device, for the
same power range and angle of inclination.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)79 - 83
Number of pages5
JournalMicroelectronics Reliability
Early online date18 Jan 2017
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2017


  • Thermal control
  • Free convection
  • Quad Non Flat 64 (QFN64) electronic device
  • Electronics reliability
  • Experience

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Building and Construction
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering


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