"Theory" into "knowledge": Operationalizing consumption research into behavioral change with pragmatism

Iain Davies

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In this paper I explore what it would mean to operationalize the existing field of ethical / sustainable consumption into a field of Knowledge rather than a field of academic contribution. Taking Pierce's (1878: 300) proposition that "Different minds may set out with the most antagonistic views, but the progress of investigation carries them by a force outside of themselves to one and the same conclusion." We explore what we "know" about influencing consumption habits and explore means of investigating the subject more effectively into the future. We explore what it means to conduct pragmatic research in a modern consumer research and publication environment, looking at the steps of the research process and the process of pragmatic inquiry. We go on to explain the pros and cons of taking a pragmatic approach in a discipline and employment environment which does not favour the expansive, mixed-methods, multi-disciplinary, longitudinal approaches required for true Knowledge generation.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventAssociation for Consumer Research - St Louis, USA United States
Duration: 13 Oct 201116 Oct 2011


ConferenceAssociation for Consumer Research
Country/TerritoryUSA United States
CitySt Louis


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