Thematic Analysis of Data Management Plan Tools and Exemplars

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    Data management plans (DMPs) are a useful way of ensuring that research data outputs are properly prepared for preservation and re-use. The range of issues they can address in order to achieve this end, though, is much wider than those two areas. An analysis of the guidance issued by five organizations shows that their templates and exemplars address at least nine different challenges or themes in relation to data management. Were researchers asked to follow this guidance in full, there is a danger they may regard DMPs as nothing more than added bureaucracy, instead of valuable tools for producing re-usable data. A focused subset is therefore selected for researchers served by the ERIM Project.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationBath, UK
    PublisherUniversity of Bath
    Publication statusUnpublished - 8 Sept 2010

    Publication series

    NameERIM Project Document

    Bibliographical note

    ID number: erim6rep100701ab10


    • shareability
    • data re-purposing
    • supporting data re-use
    • data re-use
    • delivery
    • discovery
    • appraisal
    • preservation
    • legal compliance


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