The Vernacular Earthen Building Tradition of Sardinia (Italy): Cultural and Conservation Questions

E Fodde

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The specific aim of this paper is to understand the traditional earthen architecture of Sardinia, by making a close inspection of the past literature, with the intention of identifying and proposing guidelines towards better repair, prevention, and maintenance practices of these buildings. The work addresses how some autochthonous repair and maintenance techniques were developed by generations of master craftsmen and how these should be re-employed for undertaking proper conservation practices. The paper ends with a series of recommendations for the conservation of the earthen buildings of Sardinia.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2005
EventKerpic'05 - Living in Earthen Cities - Istanbul, Turkey
Duration: 6 Jul 20057 Jul 2005


ConferenceKerpic'05 - Living in Earthen Cities

Bibliographical note

Conservation, Sardinia, Mud brick, Craftsmanship


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