The scintillating tail of comet C/2020 F3 (Neowise)

R. A. Fallows, B. Forte, M. Mevius, M. A. Brentjens, C. G. Bassa, M. M. Bisi, A. Offringa, G. Shaifullah, C. Tiburzi, H. Vedantham, P. Zucca

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Context. The occultation of a radio source by the plasma tail of a comet can be used to probe structure and dynamics in the tail. Such occultations are rare, and the occurrence of scintillation, due to small-scale density variations in the tail, remains somewhat controversial. Aims. A detailed observation taken with the Low-Frequency Array (LOFAR) of a serendipitous occultation of the compact radio source 3C196 by the plasma tail of comet C/2020 F3 (Neowise) is presented. 3C196 tracked almost perpendicularly behind the tail, providing a unique profile cut only a short distance downstream from the cometary nucleus itself. Methods. Interplanetary scintillation (IPS) is observed as the rapid variation of the intensity received of a compact radio source due to density variations in the solar wind. IPS in the signal received from 3C196 was observed for five hours, covering the full transit behind the plasma tail of comet C/2020 F3 (Neowise) on 16 July 2020, and allowing an assessment of the solar wind in which the comet and its tail are embedded. Results. The results reveal a sudden and strong enhancement in scintillation which is unequivocally attributable to the plasma tail. The strongest scintillation is associated with the tail boundaries, weaker scintillation is seen within the tail, and previously-unreported periodic variations in scintillation are noted, possibly associated with individual filaments of plasma. Furthermore, contributions from the solar wind and comet tail are separated to measure a sharp decrease in the velocity of material within the tail, suggesting a steep velocity shear resulting in strong turbulence along the tail boundary.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberA57
JournalAstronomy & Astrophysics
Issue numberNovember 2022
Early online date4 Nov 2022
Publication statusPublished - 30 Nov 2022

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This paper is based on data obtained with the International LOFAR Telescope (ILT) under project code DDT14_001. LOFAR (van Haarlem et al. 2013) is the Low Frequency Array designed and constructed by ASTRON. It has observing, data processing, and data storage facilities in several countries, that are owned by various parties (each with their own funding sources), and that are collectively operated by the ILT foundation under a joint scientific policy. The ILT resources have benefitted from the following recent major funding sources: CNRS-INSU, Observatoire de Paris and Université d’Orléans, France; BMBF, MIWF-NRW, MPG, Germany; Science Foundation Ireland (SFI), Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation (DBEI), Ireland; NWO, The Netherlands; The Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK; Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland. Three of us (RAF, MM and MMB) were partially supported by the LOFAR4SW project, funded by the European Community’s Horizon 2020 Programme H2020 INFRADEV-2017-1 under grant agreement 777442. MMB was also supported in part by the STFC In-House Research grant to the Space Physics and Operations Division at UKRI STFC RAL Space. BF was supported by the UK Natural Environment Research Council (Grant number NE/V002597/1).

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 EDP Sciences. All rights reserved.


  • Comets: individual: C/2020 F3
  • Scattering
  • Solar wind

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Space and Planetary Science


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