The role of the chair of the school governing body in England

Chris James, Jeff Jones, Michael Connolly, Steve Brammer, Michael Fertig, Jane James

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The research reported here analysed the role of the chair of the school governing body in England, drawing on a national survey of governors and the study of governing in 30 schools. The role encompassed: being a governor; appointing and working with the head teacher; acting as a change agent; active participation in the school; organising the governing body; dealing with complaints; working with parents; and chairing meetings. We discuss the role and the way it is experienced and conclude that the position of chair is substantially under-played; given insufficient status; and is a significant educational and community leadership responsibility.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3-19
Number of pages17
JournalSchool Leadership and Management
Issue number1
Early online date2 Feb 2012
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2012


  • leadership
  • chair of the school governing body
  • management
  • governing body
  • governance


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