title = "The return to agricultural advice in Ethiopia: A rationale for a success story?",
abstract = "The most recent data shows that cereal production in Ethiopia is increasing very rapidly. We examine the potential impact on this of the advice given by extension agents. Using survey data from 2014, we find a positive impact of several kinds of advice on both crop yields and income. However, not all advice is positive in its impact and there is evidence that advice on credit may actually have a negative impact, particularly on income, although this impact may be less for better educated farmers. This is particularly likely to be the case in areas affected by drought. In addition animal husbandry advice has most impact in drought affected areas and land management in non-drought areas. Marketing advice impacts positively in all areas. ",
author = "Alexander Hamilton and John Hudson",
year = "2015",
language = "English",
series = "Bath Economics Research Working Papers",
publisher = "Department of Economics, University of Bath",
type = "WorkingPaper",
institution = "Department of Economics, University of Bath",