The power of organizing: The story of the Confederation of Popular Economy Workers and its pursuit of dignity, legitimacy and decent work

Severine Deneulin

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

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This text narrates the journey of marginalised workers trying to live more dignified lives and to remove the unjust structures which are preventing them from developing fully as human beings.
The story is told in three parts which are all related:
1) description of the economic and social context to which the Confederation of Popular Economy Workers is responding;
2) outline of the Confederation’s vision for transformation;
3) account of the Confederation’s actions to realize its vision.
We hope that the story of Argentine popular economy workers can inspire other excluded workers to come together to transform or create economic structures which provide the conditions for workers and their families to live fulfilling human lives.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2014
EventWorld Meeting of Popular Movements - Rome, Vatican City, Italy
Duration: 27 Oct 201429 Jan 2015


ConferenceWorld Meeting of Popular Movements
CityRome, Vatican City


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