The Past and Future of Gender Research in Marketing: Paradigms, Stances, and Value-Based Commitments

Lisa Peñaloza, Andrea Prothero, Pierre McDonagh, Kathrynn Pounders

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This systematic literature review enhances paradigmatic/metaphysic analyses by examining how value-based commitments, intellectual personae, and stances impact the diversity, relevance, and consideration of ethics in gender research published by the top-tier marketing journals in the past 30 years. Theoretical contributions (1) explain how commitments to research values and practices constitute personae and particular stances toward research, (2) attribute value commitments to quantitative/positivist as well as qualitative/neohumanist research, and (3) implicate stances that favor particular theories and procedures and in turn enable the hierarchical development of gender research and its marginalization in the field. Recommendations elaborate the analytic, reflexive, and administrative training and research activities that will foster and reward more relevant, accurate, and ethical research on gender in the marketing academy and in industry. This work is of interest to persons dealing with gender identities, communities, and social issues, those working for greater gender representation and participation in firms and civic organizations, and those concerned with leveraging better marketing research for a better world.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)847-868
Number of pages22
JournalJournal of Marketing
Issue number6
Early online date18 Jan 2023
Publication statusPublished - 30 Nov 2023


  • gender
  • marketing strategy
  • paradigm
  • societal insight
  • stance
  • systematic literature review
  • value-based commitment

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Business and International Management
  • Marketing


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