The omnivore wide-range auto-ignition engine: results to date using 98RON unleaded gasoline and E85 fuels

Dave William Blundell, James Turner, Richard Pearson, Rishin Patel, James Young

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16 Citations (SciVal)


Omnivore is a single cylinder spark ignition based research engine conceived to maximize the operating range of auto-ignition on a variety of fossil and renewable fuels. In order to maximize auto-ignition operation, the two-stroke cycle was adopted with two independent mechanisms for control. The charge trapping valve system is incorporated as a means of varying the quantity of trapped residuals whilst a variable compression ratio mechanism is included to give independent control over the end of compression temperature. The inclusion of these two technologies allows the benefits of trapped residual gas to be maximised (to minimize NOx formation) whilst permitting variation of the onset of auto-ignition. 2000rpm and idle are the main focus of concern whilst also observing the influence of injector location. This paper describes the rational behind the engine concept and presents the results achieved at the time of writing using 98ulg and E85 fuels. Copyright

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 12 Apr 2010
EventSAE World Congress, 2010 - Detroit, USA United States
Duration: 13 Apr 201015 Apr 2010


ConferenceSAE World Congress, 2010
Country/TerritoryUSA United States

Bibliographical note

SAE Paper no. 2010-01-0846


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