The Influence of Bounding Plates on Species Separation in a Vertical Thermogravitational Column

Abdelkader Mojtabi, Pierre Costeseque, Bafétigué Ouattara, Marie Catherine Charrier-Mojtabi, D A S Rees

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In this paper, an analytical and numerical analysis of the species separation in a binary mixture is performed. The main objective is to study the influence of the thickness and the nature of the bounding plates of the thermogravitational column (TGC) on species separation. The theory of Furry, Jones and Onsager is extended to the cases where bounding conducting walls enclose the TGC. The governing 2-dimensional equations are solved numerically using COMSOL Multiphysics software. A good agreement is found between the analytical and the numerical results. It is shown that the determination of the thermal diffusion coefficient, DT, from the measurement of the vertical mass fraction gradient of binary solutions, does not depend on the temperature difference imposed
on the vertical column either on the outer walls of the cavity or on the inner walls in contact with the binary solutions. However, it is found that this result is no longer valid in the case of a binary gas. To our knowledge, in all earlier studies, dealing with the measurement of Soret coefficients in binary
fluids, the nature and the thickness of the bounding walls were not considered
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)51-65
Number of pages15
Issue number1
Early online date18 Jan 2022
Publication statusPublished - 31 Mar 2022


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