The implementation of a direct search approach for the resolution of complex and changing rule-based problems

A J Medland, Jason Matthews

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During the evolution of constraint modelling approaches, they have increased in their ability to resolve more and more complex problems. They all rely upon their ability to define the design problem by a set of constraint rules, which are true when the problem is solved, by the manipulation of selected free variables. However as they have advanced differing techniques have been applied to address problems of increasing complexity. This study has been directed towards addressing those that are not only complex but also ill structured and evolving. In order to address such problems an approach has been developed that employs sensitivity analysis and problem strategies to form an evolving direct search technique. Whilst this is generic approach that has been applied to a range of engineering problems it is illustrated here through its use in a study into the posture modelling of humans. In this it was recognized that such a new approach was required due to the complex description, limits and postures possible in the human body.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)105-115
Number of pages11
JournalEngineering with Computers
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2011


  • design complexity
  • human modeling
  • sensitivity
  • constraint resolution


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