The impact of austerity on the social networks of people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Rachel Harrison, Rachel Forrester-Jones, Michelle McCarthy

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Background: UK austerity policies of the last decade have resulted in cuts and changes to services for people with IDD, potentially leading to deficiencies in their social lives. The aim of this study is to provide empirical evidence regarding such changes in lives of people with IDD.

Method: Utilizing a mixed‐methods design, 50 people with IDD across two geographical areas were interviewed about how their social networks had been affected by cuts in services using The Social Network Guide. How changes in individuals’ social lives affect their own understanding of self, inclusion and belonging was also explored using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis.

Results: Findings will be presented to include both quantitative and qualitative case study data on the social networks of people with IDD.

Conclusions: Empirical evidence of the experiences of people with IDD who experience cuts or loss to services can provide policy‐makers with a better understanding of the importance of social networks to the lives of people with IDD, thereby influencing future policy and practice.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jun 2018
EventInternational Association for the Scientific Investigation of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSID) European Congress, Diversity and Belonging: Celebrating Difference - Divani Caravel Hotel, Athens, Greece
Duration: 18 Jul 201820 Jul 2018
Conference number: 5


ConferenceInternational Association for the Scientific Investigation of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSID) European Congress, Diversity and Belonging: Celebrating Difference
Internet address


  • social networks
  • austerity
  • intellectual and developmental disabilities


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