The Experience of New Teachers: Results from TALIS 2008

Ben Jensen, Andres Sandoval Hernandez, Steffen Knoll, Eugenio Gonzalez

Research output: Book/ReportBook


This publication provides a comprehensive analysis of the most important issues facing teachers during the early stages of their careers. The effectiveness of teachers fresh to the profession is an important policy issue, especially knowing the impact that teachers have on student learning. The OECD's Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) is the first and only international survey on the conditions of teaching and learning. This report uses the TALIS 2008 dataset to analyse key aspects of new teachers' work and highlight policy implications. The following chapters are contained in this book: Chapter 1. Why are New Teachers Important? Chapter 2. The School Where New Teachers Work; Chapter 3. Support and Development Initiatives for New Teachers; Chapter 4. The Work of New Teachers; Chapter 5. How Effective are New Teachers? and Chapter 6. Policy Implications.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherOECD Publishing
Number of pages116
ISBN (Electronic)978-92-64-12095-2
ISBN (Print)978-92-64-12094-5
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • Teacher development
  • OECD


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