The Evolution of Environmental Education at Munda Wanga Environmental Park

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In 1950 a gentleman named Ralph Sander founded a botanical garden that was destined to become the showpiece of Lusaka, the capital city of Zambia. At the time, he was a colonial civil servant working for the department of Game and Tsetse Control and he called his garden Munda Wanga, which means “My Garden” in Nyanja (one of the many national dialects). He gained an enviable reputation as a botanist and was responsible for the establishment of many of the parks, gardens, and treelined avenues in Lusaka. An article written about him entitled the ‘Gardener of Chilanga’ was published in a 1966 edition of Readers Digest. Sadly, after 28 years of work he died in 1978 having sold the estate to the Government.
Original languageEnglish
Specialist publicationJournal of the International Association of Zoo Educators
Publication statusPublished - 31 Dec 2002


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