The effect of particle-substrate adsorption on the deposition of particles from a thin evaporating sessile droplet

Hannah-May D'Ambrosio, Alexander W. Wray, Stephen Wilson

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A mathematical model for the evaporation of, the flow within, and the deposition from, a thin, pinned sessile droplet undergoing either spatially uniform or diffusion-limited evaporation is formulated and analysed. Specifically,
we obtain explicit expressions for the concentration of particles within the bulk of the droplet, and describe the behaviour of the concentration of particles adsorbed onto the substrate as well as the evolution of the masses within the bulk of the droplet, adsorbed onto the substrate, and in the ring deposit that can form at the contact line. In particular, we show that the presence of particle-substrate adsorption suppresses the formation of a ring deposit at the contact line for spatially-uniform, but not for diffusion-limited, evaporation. However, in both scenarios, the final adsorbed deposit is more concentrated near to the contact line of the droplet when radial advection due to evaporation dominates particle-substrate adsorption, but more concentrated near to the centre of the droplet when particle-substrate adsorption dominates radial advection due to evaporation. In addition, in an appendix, we investigate the formation of a ring deposit at the contact line for a rather general local form of the local evaporative flux, and show that the presence of particle-substrate adsorption suppresses the formation of the ring deposit that can otherwise occur when the local evaporative flux is non-singular at the contact line.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Engineering Mathematics
Publication statusAcceptance date - 7 Jan 2025

Data Availability Statement

The present study is purely theoretical and does not involve the generation or analysis of experimental data. All of the results reported in the present work can be reproduced from the equations detailed within the manuscript.


The authors wish to thank Dr Brian R. Duffy, David Craig and Henry T. Sharp (all University of Strathclyde) for insightful discussions regarding this work.


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