The design and delivery of a workshop to support curriculum development, education for sustainability and students as partners: Sustainability in your curriculum – identify, improve, inspire!

Karen Angus-Cole, Robert Eaton, Matthew Dawes

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


mbedding citizenship and sustainability into higher education curricula is vital for ensuring that curricula remain up-to-date and support students with the skills and knowledge they need for our ever-changing world. But the conceptualisation of the term ‘sustainability’ radically affects its perceived relevance for curriculum design, and hence the recognition of where education for sustainability is already embedded within a curriculum. Here we present a student-designed, freely accessible workshop, which can be used by colleagues off-the-shelf to challenge workshop participants to reconsider their understanding of sustainability and recognise its vast scope. The workshop is provocative yet encourages collaboration, drawing on participants’ prior experiences to identify sustainability concepts already embedded within their course, and opportunities to further enhance the inclusion of sustainability in the curriculum. The workshop is also fully supportive of the increasing recognition of the value of engaging students, and others, as partners in curriculum development.
Original languageEnglish
JournalEmerald Open Research
Issue number60
Publication statusPublished - 17 Sept 2020

Bibliographical note

Data availability
Underlying data
The University of Bath Research Data Archive: (Angus-Cole et al., 2020).

This project contains the following underlying data:

Sustainability-in-your-curriculum-Workshop-collage-resource-print-in-advance.pdf. (A print-in-advance resource to support delivery of the workshop.)

Sustainability-in-your-curriculum-workshop-support-resource-print-in-advance.pdf (A print-in-advance resource to support delivery of the workshop and reflection on the curriculum.)

Sustainability-in-your-curriculum-Workshop-Presentation.pptx (PowerPoint slides to support delivery of the workshop.ppt)

Data are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0).


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