The Case for Intercultural Hermeneutics? A Brief Introduction to an Interpretative Research Framework

Research output: Chapter or section in a book/report/conference proceedingChapter in a published conference proceeding

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Recognized as the theory and practice of interpretation, hermeneutics presents us with a methodological-philosophical framework paying particular attention to the linguistic, historical, and sociocultural contexts shaping human experience. Contrary to positivistic interpretations of reality, hermeneutics honors the role of personal history during a participant's negotiation of culture, presenting a versatile-yet, comparatively under-utilized-research methodology that accommodates knowledge as reducible from our pre-held subjectivities. In doing so, hermeneutics seeks not to overcome or eliminate bias but to appreciate the consequences of its limits. Calling on Gadamer's post-Heideggerian extension of hermeneutics, this paper intends to communicate the value, limitations, and applications of this approach, specifically to cross-cultural research. In discussing its applications, principles such as effective history, prejudice, provocation, and fusion of horizons, scaffold practical tips, including the role of the intercultural hermeneutic researcher, ethical and quality control measures, interview procedures, transcription, and the interpretation and analysis of data.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Asian Conference for Innovation in Education
EditorsP. Clark, K. Ballou, R. Derrah
Number of pages14
Publication statusPublished - 9 Aug 2023
EventAsian Conference for Innovation in Education - Bangkok, Thailand
Duration: 14 Feb 202315 Feb 2023


ConferenceAsian Conference for Innovation in Education


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