The Broad-band Counterpart of the Short GRB 200522A at $z=0.5536$: A Luminous Kilonova or a Collimated Outflow with a Reverse Shock?

W. Fong, T. Laskar, J. Rastinejad, A. Rouco Escorial, G. Schroeder, J. Barnes, C. D. Kilpatrick, K. Paterson, E. Berger, B. D. Metzger, Y. Dong, A. E. Nugent, R. Strausbaugh, P. K. Blanchard, A. Goyal, A. Cucchiara, G. Terreran, K. D. Alexander, T. Eftekhari, C. FryerB. Margalit, R. Margutti, M. Nicholl

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