
Purpose: Physical activity is a key component of cardiac rehabilitation (CR). Despite the widely reported benefits of CR, uptake in the United Kingdom is still low. Alternative home-based and technology-facilitated delivery models are needed to improve CR uptake and physical activity. This study set out to explore patient and clinician views of personalised, multidimensional physical activity feedback and its potential use within CR.

Methods: We developed graphics for the presentation of personalised multidimensional physical activity feedback from data collected through wrist-worn monitors. Thirteen cardiac patients and nine healthcare professionals recruited from South West England wore research grade physical activity monitors for seven days. Participants then attended semi-structured interviews during which personalised physical activity feedback was provided. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed, and analysed thematically.

Results: Two main themes were derived from the data which covered: 1) the perceived value of multidimensional physical activity feedback, and 2) support needed to facilitate understanding. Within the first theme, participants acknowledged that multidimensional physical activity feedback was useful for monitoring progress, goal setting, and increasing self-awareness of physical activity behaviour among both patients and clinicians. Within theme two, the need for more guidance and support from clinicians to aid patient understanding and reassurance was highlighted, particularly for those with very low physical activity levels.

Conclusions: Multidimensional physical activity feedback delivered using a technology-enabled approach was perceived as acceptable among patients and clinicians. This study provides insights into the potential novel use of technology-enabled physical activity feedback to support and expand the delivery of CR.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages12
JournalHealth and Technology
Early online date20 Jun 2024
Publication statusPublished - 20 Jun 2024


We would like to thank all patients and healthcare professionals who participated in the study, and we are grateful to the research nurses involved in patient recruitment.


  • Physical activity feedback
  • Technology
  • Cardiac rehabilitation
  • Patient experience
  • Practitioner experience
  • Remote monitoring


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