The 5-Step Method: future directions

Alex Copello, Akanidomo Ibanga, Jim Orford, Lorna Templeton, Richard Velleman, The Alcohol, Drugs and the Family Research Group

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3 Citations (SciVal)


The final contribution to this special supplement of Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy draws together some of the points that have been made in the other contributions regarding future directions which are needed in the further development of the 5-Step Method. These include: more detailed theoretical developments; testing the suitability of the method for particular groups of affected family members, including young people and those experiencing particularly complex problems including domestic violence; further study of different ways of delivering the intervention including those that are web based; new research with larger samples and longer follow-up; the inclusion of types of families missing from the studies so far, including reconstituted families, gay and lesbian families, and families with more than one substance misuser; and further investigations of the costs associated with the family impacts of alcohol and drug problems, as well as cost–benefit studies of the 5-Step Method. Although much remains to be done, the programme of research carried out to date in the UK, Mexico and Italy has only strengthened our commitment and passion for this area of work. We believe the evidence accumulated in support of approaches such as the 5-Step Method is already sufficiently compelling that they should be implemented without waiting for further detailed research evidence.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)203-210
Number of pages8
JournalDrugs: Education, Prevention and Policy
Issue numbers1
Publication statusPublished - 2010


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