Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: How to Be a Great Teammate

Katie Crawford, Desmond McEwan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Teams are groups of peoplewhowork together to achieve a common
goal. Maybe you play on a sports team, perform in school plays, or
work on a group project for a class. These are all examples of teams.
Youmay have heard your coach or teacher talk about the importance
of teamwork and being a good teammate. Teamwork is what teams
do to maximize their chances of achieving their goals, like winning a
basketball game, putting on a stellar school play, or obtaining a high
mark on a group assignment. Sometimes it can be dicult for people
to come together and work e􀀀ectively as a team. In this article, we
talk about what teamwork is and how teams can improve the way
they work together before, during, and after games. We also explain
how teammates can support one another when faced with obstacles
and conflict.
Original languageEnglish
Article number685055
JournalFrontiers for Young Minds
Publication statusPublished - 14 Apr 2022


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