Teaching software synthesis through Csound's new modelling opcodes

Richard Boulanger, John ffitch

Research output: Chapter or section in a book/report/conference proceedingChapter or section


The computational power of today's computers brings the most powerful signal processing and synthesis tools into the home studio. For less than $2000 you can have the equivalent of the IRCAM ISPW or a NeXT running “SynthBuilder” on your battery powered PPC or PC Laptop, and all the “essential” software tools and utilities can be had commercially at low cost or are freely available over the Internet. Thus we are seeing that independent composers and freelance artists are seeking out this software, and placing demands on the designers for ease of use and general utility. This paper concentrates on one of the remaining problems which limits the widespread use of the technology, and that is the complexity in specifying every feature of a composition, and in particular describing the detailed timbral evolution of each note. We explore the new facilities in Csound which address this problem.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings, International Computer Music Conference 1998 (ICMC '98)
EditorsMary Simoni
PublisherInternational Computer Music Association and University of Michigan
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - Oct 1998


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