Synthesis and Reactivity of Ru(PPh3)3(CO)HF and the N-Heterocyclic Carbene Derivatives Ru(NHC)(PPh3)2(CO)HF

Steven P Reade, Devendrababu Nama, Mary F Mahon, Paul S Pregosin, Michael K Whittlesey

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

38 Citations (SciVal)


The reaction of Ru(PPh3)3(CO)H2 with excess Et3N.3HF at elevated temp. affords the hydride fluoride complex Ru(PPh3)3(CO)HF (1). This reacts with N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs) at ambient temp. to form the mono-NHC products Ru(NHC)(PPh3)2(CO)HF (NHC = IMe4 (2), IEt2Me2 (3), ICy (4), IiPr2Me2 (5)). Complexes 2-4 convert from the trans- to cis-phosphine isomers in soln. over weeks (relative rates 2 > 3 .mchgt. 4), while 5 undergoes both isomerization and disproportionation to yield cis-Ru(IiPr2Me2)(PPh3)2(CO)HF (6), 1, and Ru(IiPr2Me2)2(PPh3)(CO)HF (7) in a matter of hours. The mol. structures of compds. 1-4 were detd. by x-ray crystallog.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3484-3491
Number of pages8
Issue number14
Publication statusPublished - 2007


  • fluorohydrido ruthenium triphosphine substitution reaction dihydroimidazole ligand
  • mol structure heterocyclic carbene imidazolidene ruthenium phosphine fluorohydride
  • Substitution reaction (substitution reaction of fluorohydridoruthenium tris(phosphine) complex with dihydroimidazole derivs. to give heterocyclic carbene (imidazolidene)ruthenium fluorohydride complexes)
  • imidazolideneruthenium fluorohydride prepn isomerization
  • (imidazolidene)ruthenium bisphosphine fluorohydride)
  • crystal structure
  • Isomerization
  • Carbenes Role
  • RCT (Reactant)
  • PREP (Preparation)
  • Crystal structure
  • RACT (Reactant or reagent) (substitution reaction of fluorohydridoruthenium tris(phosphine) complex with dihydroimidazole derivs. to give heterocyclic carbene (imidazolidene
  • Molecular structure (of heterocyclic carbene complexes
  • SPN (Synthetic preparation)


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