Synthesis and reactivity of alkaline-earth stannanide complexes by hydride-mediated distannane metathesis and organostannane dehydrogenation

Michael Hill, Louis Morris, Nasir Rajabi, Mary Mahon, Ian Manners, Claire McMullin

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6 Citations (SciVal)


The synthesis of heteroleptic complexes with calcium- and magnesium-tin bonds is described. The dimeric β-diketiminato calcium hydride complex, [(BDI)Ca(μ-H)]2 (ICa) reacts with Ph3Sn-SnPh3 to provide the previously reported μ2-H bridged calcium stannanide dimer, [(BDI)2Ca2(SnPh3)(μ-H)] (3). Computational assessment of this reaction supports a mechanism involving a hypervalent stannate intermediate formed by nucleophilic attack of hydride on the distannane. Monomeric calcium stannanides, [(BDI)Ca(SnPh3)·OPPh3] (8·OPPh3) and [(BDI)Ca(SnPh3)·TMTHF] (8·TMTHF, TMTHF = 2,2,5,5-tetramethyltetrahydrofuran) were obtained from ICa and Ph3Sn-SnPh3, after addition OPPh3 or TMTHF. Both complexes were also synthesised by deprotonation of Ph3SnH by ICa in the presence of the Lewis base. The calcium and magnesium THF adducts, [(BDI)Ca(SnPh3)·THF2] (8·THF2) and [(BDI)Mg(SnPh3)·THF] (9·THF), were similarly prepared from [(BDI)Ca(μ-H)·(THF)]2 (ICa·THF2) or [(BDI)Mg(μ-H)]2 (IMg) and Ph3SnH. An excess of THF or TMTHF was essential in order to obtain 8·TMTHF, 8·THF2 and 9·THF in high yields whilst avoiding redistribution of the phenyl-tin ligand. The resulting Ae-Sn complexes were used as a source of [Ph3Sn]- in salt metathesis, to provide the known tristannane Ph3Sn-Sn(t-Bu)2-SnPh3 (11). Nucleophilic addition or insertion with N,N'-di-iso-propylcarbodiimide provided the stannyl-amidinate complexes, [(BDI)Mg{(iPrN)2CSnPh3}] (12) and [(BDI)Ca{(iPrN)2CSnPh3}·L] (13·TMTHF, 13·THF, L = TMTHF, THF). The reactions and products were monitored and characterised by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy, whilst for compounds 8, 9, 12, and 13·THF, the X-ray crystal structures are presented and discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)10523 - 10534
Number of pages12
JournalDalton Transactions
Issue number30
Early online date9 Jul 2020
Publication statusPublished - 4 Aug 2020

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Inorganic Chemistry


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