Swiss CAT+, a Data-driven Infrastructure for Accelerated Catalysts Discovery and Optimization

Paco Laveille, Pascal Mieville, Sourav Chatterjee, Elisa Clerc, Jean-Charles Cousty, Florian de Nanteuil, Erwin Lam, Edy Mariano, Adrian Ramirez, Urielle Randrianarisoa, Keyan Villat, Christophe Coperet, Nicolai Cramer

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

10 Citations (SciVal)


The Catalysis Hub – Swiss CAT+, is a new infrastructure project funded by the ETH Domain, co-head-ed by EPFL and ETHZ. It offers the scientific community a unique integrated technology platform combining automated and high-throughput experimentation with advanced computational data analysis to accelerate the discoveries in the field of sustainable catalytic technologies. Divided into two hubs of expertise, homogeneous catalysis at EPF Land heterogeneous catalysis at ETHZ, the platform is open to academic and private research groups. Following a multi-year investment plan, both hubs have acquired and developed several high-end robotic platforms devoted to the synthesis, characterization, and testing of large numbers of molecular and solid catalysts. The hardware is associated with a fully digitalized experimental work flow and a specific data management strategy to support closed-loop experimentation and advanced computational data analysis.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)154-158
Number of pages5
Issue number3
Early online date29 Mar 2023
Publication statusPublished - 29 Mar 2023

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This presented work was sponsored by the ETH Domain through the Forschungsinfrastrukturen Program. We acknowledge the ETHZ and EPFL administrations for their support and West Hub acknowledges the fantastic support of the HEIG-VD for the robotic developments.

Funding Information:
Abstract: The Catalysis Hub – Swiss CAT+, is a new infrastructure project funded by the ETH Domain, co-headed by EPFL and ETHZ. It offers the scientific community a unique integrated technology platform combining automated and high-throughput experimentation with advanced computational data analysis to accelerate the discoveries in the field of sustainable catalytic technologies. Divided into two hubs of expertise, homogeneous catalysis at EPFL and heterogeneous catalysis at ETHZ, the platform is open to academic and private research groups. Following a multi-year investment plan, both hubs have acquired and developed several high-end robotic platforms devoted to the synthesis, characterization, and testing of large numbers of molecular and solid catalysts. The hardware is associated with a fully digitalized experimental workflow and a specific data management strategy to support closed-loop experimentation and advanced computational data analysis.

Publisher Copyright:
© P. Laveille et al.


  • Automation
  • Catalysts
  • Data-driven
  • Research infrastructure

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Chemistry


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