Support for the unemployed in a familistic welfare regime

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This chapter explores welfare support for the unemployed in Greece and its role in the reproduction of the Greek welfare regime. It consists of four sections. The first provides a conceptual framework for the concepts of ‘the welfare system’ and ‘welfare regime’, as well as an alternative conceptualisation of ‘passive’ and ‘active’ labour market policies. The second section examines the structure of employment and unemployment in light of the economic restructuring that the country currently is experiencing. The third section examines the state’s response to the increase in unemployment and the policies that aim to support the unemployed both in terms of their income and their opportunities to find employment. The fourth section explores in more detail the income support policies for the unemployed and offers a comparative evaluation of the income packages available to different types of households experiencing unemployment. The analysis ends with some reflections on the character of the Greek welfare regime and the role of unemployment compensation.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSocial Policy Developments in Greece
EditorsMaria Petmesidou , Eilas Mossialos
Place of PublicationAbingdon, U. K.
Number of pages20
ISBN (Electronic)9781351899369
ISBN (Print)9780754643708
Publication statusPublished - 17 Jan 2006

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2006 Maria Petmesidou and Elias Mossialos.

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Social Sciences


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